LCA booklet

About the project


The LCA-booklet is an information document and a practice-oriented working aid on the topics of life cycle assessment (LCA) and resource-efficient construction. It focuses on the calculation of grey emissions by structural engineers. The booklet serves as a compact guide for structural engineers in their day-to-day project work. The aim is to bring technical knowledge to a wider audience, primarily digitally. The consideration of the complete life cycle in the assessment of structures contributes to a positive, value-oriented development of the construction industry.

Note: german only

Jana gives an insight into the development of the LCA booklet and their further development in the podcast Baustelle Bauwesen: Note: german only

Target group

Structural engineers


The booklet provides urgently needed basic knowledge on the CO2 optimization of structures and creates a better understanding for emissions of load-bearing structures among planning professionals. The booklet also creates low-threshold and practice-oriented access to the topic in an already established format. Editing is done as an open source process, independently and across different companies. Sources and explanations are freely accessible in a digital background document available via the QR code. The projects enables us to spread the topic of life cycle assessment more widely.


The booklet encourages conscious action and design in everyday planning. The booklet is free of charge and openly and inclusively accessible to everyone on the internet. It is currently the largest project at ABC and can only be implemented through working together. The booklet critically rethinks existing concepts such as those of the Bemessungstafeln and raises them to the current zeitgeist. It has never been so easy to show attitude. Just leave the booklet on the table and start a conversation with your colleagues. With a focus on structural design, it prioritizes sustainability in the design of load-bearing structures in everyday project work for structural engineers.


Need of content-related support

After an internal and external review process with experts from different areas of construction, the booklet will be published in December 2023.

Need of financial support

In order to reach as broad a target group as possible, we also provide an analogue and free print version in addition to the digital version.
We work on our projects on a voluntary and non-profit basis. In order to cover the costs for layout, printing and mailing in a spirit of solidarity, we would appreciate your support.




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