
About the project


The vision of the project is to explore and realize the potential of cob construction. Industrially produced walls made of cob can replace concrete, for example when used for low-impact walls in building construction or for noise barriers in infrastructure construction. This construction method can be industrialized by developing a press that produces compacted cob blocks. Cob consists of clayey excavated soil and straw or thatch in virtually equal proportions by volume, with the plant fibers serving as reinforcement. In many cases, the excavated soil on site, which is currently usually treated as waste, can be used as the primary material. At the end of their service life, the components can be returned to the ground or reshaped. Other potentials of the material are also being explored. For example, cob serves as a breeding ground for rare species or as a carbon reservoir. The modernized cob construction method represents an alternative to conventional construction methods. The ABC is involved as a critical voice of the construction industry and as a discussion partner.

Further information can be found in the latest publication on the project:

The podcast by Ute Reeh at Baustelle Bauwesen offers an exciting and lively insight into the project:

Note: german only

Target group

Construction sector


Contact person: Ute Reeh


The project is part of a transdisciplinary research process. The methodology was developed by the artist Ute Reeh, who works with change processes and dynamic systems. She encourages the integration of contemporary art in order to consciously work with open-ended ideation processes and iterative development. The working method is structurally innovative, which means that the results are typically superior to those developed exclusively by specialists.


Cob represents an alternative approach to solid construction that is deliberately directed against established and emissive solid concrete construction methods.

The project is a joint endeavour involving many different stakeholders and is open to external impulses in its application.

Cob is a historic and traditional construction method that is being critically rethought and adapted for large/r-scale construction with the project through targeted prefabrication using creative methods.

Cob is still a niche building material, even though it is attracting increasing public attention. Its use shows and demonstrates a clear attitude towards sustainable building with renewable raw materials.

The ecological dimension of sustainability is prioritized with a focus on building with non-fossil resources.


Need of content-related support

You would like to support us or become part of the project?

Please contact us via the ABCDiscord or send an e-mail to

Need of financial support

The project is still in the early stages. With a donation, you can support our voluntary work and, for example, enable us to travel to the various project partners and research institutions.




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